By Ainomugisha Reuben
Science teachers from Greater Kabale region have downed their tools in protest against the government’s failure to increase their salaries.
The science teachers point out that the government pledged in 2018 to increase their salaries with a degree holder expected to earn Shs.4 million while a grade 5 teacher expected to earn Shs.3 million but up to now, nothing has changed about their remuneration.
Naturinda Dalton the headteacher Buranga Secondary school in Kabale district said that, despite the big turn up of students , science teachers have not reported back for the new term apart from those not on government payroll.
Agaba Cleophas the headteacher St.Thomas Aquinas Kashaki secondary school in Rubanda district also confirmed that the science teachers that were posted at the school also joined the nationwide wide strike and therefore no one has reported for the term yet.
Agaba added that the science teacher’s strike has greatly impacted the students turn up for the new term saying that only 71 students have so far reported.
Whereas Akampurira Abraham and Ahimbisibwe Amos the head teachers of Kigezi high school in kabale district and Bubaare Secondary in Rubanda district respectively said that their science teachers have not joined the strike because they were not given letters for industrial action by the stakeholders.