By Ronald Kabanza
In Kanungu
Police in Kihihi Kanungu district have arrested three men and a woman for allegedly trapping and killing a baby buffalo in Ishasha Sector of Queen Elizabeth Protected Area.
The suspects are Enock Aryeijuka a resident of Rwamagari village in Kihembe Parish in Kanyatorogo Sub County, Christmas Steven and Vian Arinaitwe residents of Busanza in Nyanga Sub County and Origumisiriza Eunice from Karambi village also in Nyanga Sub County.
The Assistant Warden in charge of Tourism in Ishasha Sector David Agenya said that the rangers were June 14th 2020 early morning attracted by cries from a mother buffalo only to discover a dead baby buffalo allegedly killed by suspected poachers.
Kihihi Police Station OC Pius Asiimwe confirmed that they had in custody the 4 suspects but declined to reveal more information and referred www.mknewslink.com reporter to Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).
Asiimwe told www.mknewslink.com that Aryeijuka was found with spears, and rope snares used by poachers to trap wild animal and when he was interrogated, he revealed the names on his accomplices.
The arrest of the 4 comes barely a week after another group of poachers was arrested in Kisoro District after they allegedly killed a male gorilla silverback of Nkuringo habituated group in Murole village in Nteko Parish in Nyabwishenya Sub County.
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