Bushenyi district was described as a model district at National level because national programmes which failed in Bushenyi could not succeed elsewhere in the country.
Political, social and economic set up in the district has been great for quiet long.
In the event of the district splitting, targeting better services delivery, achievements have not been seen convincing. Challenges stem from selfish politics resulting into crippling government programmes like NAADS with late deliveries of agricultural inputs, failed recruitments of district service providers and the list is endless.
With the background above, some focused people of Bushenyi have come up with the Pressure Group code-named: MAKE BUSHENYI REAT AGAIN, especially in the event of failure by the district leaders to institute a District service commission.
Ideological battles have been fought in political, social and legal fields.
As the district settles, let the philosophy of Make Bushenyi Great Again continue and gain strength. It should not be nipped in blood. Let it crawl, stand up, walk and run.
Make Bushenyi Great Again should be built on the foundation of political, social and economic transformation.
Let there be a bridge between the pressure group and political wing not even sidelining the elders and opinion leaders.
There is a lot to be done to make Bushenyi great again.
Economically, people’s incomes can’t be enhanced through greater production. Leaders and other players should avoid God’s ideology of let there be put God’s programmatic approach when he made man and said “Let’s make man”. For example if there is teaming with organizations like Keirere Green African Agency,BUDIFA etc, a lot can be done economically on people’s lives like increased food supply for both home consumption and sale.
The problem of unproductive and diminishing land size can be overcome by fertilizers application through some agencies mentioned above. This will practically help to vacate the wetlands and improve on problems of harsh weather changes.
Weather changes especially droughts can be tamed by increasing water surfaces look at blocking these valleys;
Between Katungu Mothers’ Union and state lodge and district headquarters, blocking water at a narrow valley; St.Kagwa-Kyeitembe road, below Crane Resort Hotel(Ishaka).Narrow valley below Kitabi seminary extra
A lot may not be needed for compaction of marrum across the narrow valleys to bulk fish pond water.
Visit some places in Kashaari; in Mbarara district,Lake Mabira near Bwizibwera,Itara, Bunenero,Rushozi e.t.c.
How can water surfaces be increased in dry areas as in Bushenyi with rivers and high rainfall suffer water shortage leading to low production, famine and poverty.
Socially, if people of Bushenyi have come up with great SACCOs like KYAPS,Butuuro, Kyabugimbi e.t.c where billions of money are held in shares. What if people are mobilized and such similar shares are put in the building of a hospital, can’t the people of Bushenyi own a Peoples Hospital where patients are treated as shareholders? Look at the structure of Bushenyi district headquarters. Suppose the efforts used are put in the building of a hospital, won’t Bushenyi be great again? The ideas are endless
Politically, it is difficult to have Bushenyi Development forum where different ideas are channeled without a bias of political and religious divide.
To realize greater value achievements as we appreciate the little it has so far achieved as a newly born child. Let this child crawl, stand, walk and run.
A prayer for wider embracement of Make Busenyi Great Again,be said, for a better Bushenyi is a better home for us all.
Long live Make Bushenyi Great Again, long live the founders, long live for others to embrace it.
The writer is secondary school teacher and an activist based in Ankole sub-region.