In Makerere
Makerere University has fired 45 officers including controversial lecturer Stella Nyanzi on charges of abscondement, insubordination, refusal to perform official duties..
Other offences include soliciting bribes, sexual assault, failure to complete studies, financial fraud, alteration of students marks, and registration of students using forged letters among others.
The impunity at Makerere University is so deep, said an official at Ugandas oldest tertiary institution.
We decided to do a cleanup which exposed too much rot.
Even Associate Professors were kicked out in the crackdown at the institution.
Dr Charles Niwagaba, an associate professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering docket was dismissed for refusal and negligence to perform his official duties.
Dr Richard Okou, also an associate professor in the electrical and computerdepartment, has been dismissed for abscondment
Dr Swizen Kyomuhendo has been kicked out for engaging in acts prejudicial to proper performance of official duties or universitys image or status.
The cleanup did not spare Dr Elly Amani Gamukama, a librarian who is accused of abscondement and failure to complete studies in time.
He has been asked to refund all money received after expiry of study leave.
For Nyanzi, a research fellow, an investigation discovered that her contract expired long ago but was illegally appointed to a permanent contract during the reign of her relative Prof Ddumba Sentamu who served as the institutions Vice Chancellor.
The resolution to fire or warn the officers was taken following several high level meetings of the Appointments Board ending December 11.
Godber Tumushabe, an influential activist and assistant lecturer at Makerere Law School was cautioned and reinstated following serious concerns of abscondement.
Source: www.mknewslink.com a greater western Uganda news website
Email: wmuhwezi75@gmail.com
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