By Yosam Gucwaki
In Masindi
The National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) has instructed the districts production department to start online reporting and submission of their reports to NAADS secretariat
According to Godfrey Masereka the head of planning unit at NAADS secretariat, the new monitoring guidelines introduced by ministry of agriculture, reporting is supposed to be done online to ease work.
Masereka said that the new monitoring system will provide timely evaluation and
monitoring of purchasing and supplying of technologies and other livestock
given to beneficiaries by production departments and operational
wealth creation.
He added that a well based data management system has been designed to enable them monitor and provide timely evaluation response and that the new system will enable them to urgently respond to the revised tools as the coordinators will be using online system to submit reports about the OWC progress.
He added that last season, out of the seven districts in Bunyoro sub region which were supposed to sub meet seasonal reports to OWC secretariat, only three submitted there reports.
According to NAADS statistics, 97 out of 121 districts have not yet sub mitted there reports about agricultural production to NAADS secretariat this season.
NAADS secretariat is expected to use 1.7trillion shillings funded by the government of Uganda for five financial years from 2015/6 to 2019/2020
Source: a greater western Uganda news website
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