Elly Karenzi
In Ibanda
A retired Senior Presidential Assistant and the Director of Special duties in the State House Maj. Ronald Kakooza-Mutale has noted that matrimonial marriage between man and woman , still remains a beautiful institution and it is gaining its sweetness for the married couple.
Maj. Kakooza-Mutale was yesterday speaking to hundreds of people who turned up to witness the introduction and giveaway ceremony of Ms. Christabel Chrim Ainembabazi, a daughter to Mr. Robert Kasasira.
The function was held at Bubaare cell,Bufunda division, in Ibanda Municipality.
“You need to stick on issues such love, safe sex, marriage in church and mosque, and youth should avoid homosexuality,”Maj. Kakooza warned.
He advised the couples to promote love and watch the roles for each member by respecting the traditional marriage in the home.
Rev. Arther Muhereza, the Curet of St. Paul’s Cathedral,NorthWest Ankole Diocese in Ibanda district, who led the church service, advised the married couples to keep deaf ears to rumours.
He added that people who spread rumors are always trying to tarnish the image of the newly married couple.