The Parliament of Uganda and Ugandans with Uganda at Heart. From: Ahabwe Rukira Elly UPC chairman Bushenyi. 1). It is three days to commemorate the day Union Jack was lowered and Uganda Flag raised by Major Kanuti on midnight of October 1962. We look at what made Uganda a Nation and has carried on todate. 2). This is identified in the 1995 Constitution Articles 8 & 17:The duties of a citizen1(b) to respect the National Anthem,Flag, coat of arms, currency, ( constitution) . 3). We make identification and analysis of the main attributes of the Nation which came into force at Independence. _the National Anthem. _the coat of Arms _the flag _ the 1962 constitution….. What were the features on the attributes of the Nation? What did they contain? What could have been the contents philosophical meaning? 4). Take a look at the National Anthem. The main features are the three Stanzas. What is the major theme contained in each stanza? Stanza One__ Unity and God’s protection. Stanza two_ freedom, our work and Neighbours.. stanza three _ the treasure of our land. 5). Questions:. 5.1 where does the Government keep a record of this Anthem? 5.2 where is the description of it’s meaning, interpretation and functionalising it? 5.3 what philosophy and relevance does it hold to Ugandans? 5.4 who should un vail that philosophy and relevance to Ugandans, when and how? 5.5 For what reason should the National Anthem be respected as in Article 17;1 (b) by the Citizens? 6). Observations. 1_ besides this Anthem appearing in the Angelican Prayer book as hymn 301(R R) and other school Textbooks, the custody of this Anthem remains a memory of Citizens heads. 6.2_ why didn’t these attributes of a Nation appear very important by identification, placement, description and some hint on their philosophical meaning and relevance in the 1995 Constitution? 6.3) what have we lost by not cherishing the practical philosophy of our Anthem as above Questioned? _ the strength of our National unity is very low _ the land of freedom is greatly abused. Freedom seem to be more for those in authority than those outside authority. _ Authority has been taken as power to suppress others and not opportunity to give service as it was said by the US vice president Mike Pence while giving a victory introductory speech to president elect Donald Trump, he thanked Americans and said,” thank U for giving us opportunity to serve” the spirit here is vice versa. _ how to handle the land we treasure in stanza three other than treasuring it by the rich grabbing it from the poor, how does the state show the treasure of our land to the citizens? _How does the state protect Article 237(1) of our constitution. _ How does the state sensitize the citizens & those in authority about the land Act 2010 section 40:4 ” subject to the other provisions of this section, non citizens shall not acquire land or hold mailo land or free hold land.” _ does the National Anthem Stanzas two wave off Article 237(1) and section 40:4 of the land Act? Don’t we have non citizens holding land beyond lease?? 7). The coat of Arms. What are the features,? _spears- security and defense. _ the shield (to who, by who, how and when?). _ Rivers- flowing water, what effective use have they been put to use beyond low HEP, low irrigation and floods? _Cotton and Coffee ( treasured Agriculture what is the breadth and depth of it’s usefulness to benefit Ugandans,). _ Lakes, are they effectively used. _ the sun – how has the sun been used beyond solar energy and giving us UN managed prolonged draughts? _ the drum culture and communication.what is the relevance of Uganda’s communication commission ( UCC) on the rights and freedom in communication. _the wildlife. What is the breadth of it’s contributions to Ugandans? Are the 10 National parks space occupying 1000’s of square kms of land given out the out out worth of their land occupied? 8). The National motto. For God and my country. How far is it respected in the service delivery? What caused the fail of combating corruption why has the motto only remained a statement persay at the closure of speeches by the citizens? 9). The Naturals green vegetation. Do the citizens understand it’s relevance in their daily life? Where I’d the missing link? 10: The National Flag of black ,yellow red . Black- African s. Yellow _ Sunshine. Red _ brother hood. Why should a brother Murder another brother in Kasese 2016 to a level of 127 lives, a brother kill another brother in 2020 in Kampala to a level of 54 lives etc?? Does the meaning and philosophy embedded in the colour like Red show the Independence to every Ugandan or particular Ugandans? What about the liberty and freedom in the Anthem,who enjoys them? 11). The National Constitution. From Independence, when has it held the top leaders accountable to the people from 1967 abrogation of the Independence Constitution, the1971 over throw of the Republican constitution to the rule of decrees,the individualized amendments against term limits and age limit. Has the Constitution served the interest of Ugandans or the interest of top leaders? When will the Constitution stop BENDING to LEADERS than leaders bending to it? 12).The day 9th October.who should cerebrate the day? I believe every Ugandan. Does every Ugandan believe and get committed to this day? Some not. Why? Let us go back on the midnight of 9th October 1962,. UGANDA had political parties. Like UPC on the lead, DP and KY, were they in attendance at Independence cerebrations? preferably yes . The speeches may not have been accusations and counter accusations. They were not single party praises, They were real speeches meant for Independence of Ugandans. When shall we hear speeches at Independence anniversary not focusing on party praises,the inclusive speeches, when shall we see the Independence anniversary cerebrations of all Ugandans as it was as it was at 1962 where some others are not mocked,but but the first stanza our National Anthem becomes a true reality where words like United free for liberty , together we will always STAND. Let the belief of “I” loose to “we” to make Independence cerebrations become a reality than a MYTH. Together,Uganda is better For God and my Country.