Butuuro peoples SACCO is a member owned, governed and controlled institution, located in Nyakabirizi town in Ishaka Bushenyi municipality.
Mission: To provide members with quality and affordable products and services for sustainable development.
Vision:To be a strong microfinance institution providing products that suit members needs.
Services and products
We offer credit and savings services
Loan products
- Agriculture loans
- Special Zero grazing and daily farming loans offered as 1% interest per month with grace period of 6 months and offered two years (24 months) period. This offer is with partnership of (SNV) tide project organizing from Netherland. Other agricultural loans are also offered with upto 6 months grace period and 24 months but at 2.5% interest permonth.
- Bio-gas loan are also offered at 1% per month.
- School fees
- Bodaboda loan & motor vehicle loan
- Home improvement loans
- Happy family loan where beddings are offered on loan i.e. mattresses, blankets, bed sheets, bed, bed covers female clients at 2% and male clients at 2.5% all at a period of 6 months only.
- Water harvest loan
- Commercial loans
- Solar loans
- Emergency loans
- Salary loans
A part from the explained loan, other loans are offered at 2. 5% interest per month for a period of 24 months.
Accounts offered
- Joint accounts
- Voluntary savings accounts
- Fixed deposit account
- Collection accounts
- Group accounts
- Junior accounts
- Three passport size photographs
- Membership fee of 10,000=
- Pay stationery fee of 6,000=
- Buy a share at 10,000=
- Minimum balance on account 10,000=
Working hours
- Monday Friday 8:30am 5:00pm
- Saturday 9:00am 1:00pm
Our contacts:
Nyakabirizi Head office, Kashenshero Mitooma branch, Kyabugimbi outreach
Tel: 0393224696/0393224697 butuurosacco@gmail.com, www.butuurosacco.co.ug.