By Sheillah Birungi
In Sheema
Tugume Richard and Chairman of UNATU for Sheema municipality Sheema district Mutabarura Willy have ordered all government teachers to officially start their demonstration tomorrow on Monday 27th May 2019.
According Tugume said that government’s humiliation on teachers is becoming abnormal and that he is sure that if they remain home and refuse to teach, their salary will be increased instantly.
“I have learnt that this government doesn’t respect teachers, therefore using the authorities that were given to me, I have officially ordered both all Sheema Municipality and District government teachers not to even step at the gate of your schools respectively until I communicate to you to do so,” Tugume said.
“We agreed with the government that a teacher who is paid ugx460000Shs per month should be increased to ugx600000Shs, a deputy head teacher who earns ugx670000shs should be increased to ugx1.07M and then the head teacher who earns ugx800,000Shs to be increased up to ugx1.7M, but I wonder when I see government trying to deny its agreement with us, I’m very much sure that if we all remain at our homes, it is a must for the government to increase our salaries instantly,” Tugume added.

He warned those with authorities not to intimidate any teacher for demonstrating saying that it is their right to do so and that it is because of inflation which is forcing them to demonstrate.
“I hear some people intimidating my teachers that if they demonstrate, they will be chased from the jobs, let me tell you this, even Amama Mbabazi talked those words you are saying right now but finally he is the one who was chased, so even you who is intimidating us, one day one hour, one minute, you will be intimidated too,” he warned.
Tugume added that members of parliament increase their salaries each and every time, saying that they have even reached to an extent of exempting themselves from paying taxes which they passed.
He asked MPs to also value them because they leave in the same country, buy things in the same markets and have human needs like theirs.
Willy Mutabarura chairman UNATU Sheema district said that what pierces him off is seeing the government promoting segregation instead of fighting against it.
“if you don’t know the meaning of segregation, look at the actions of the government of Uganda, science teachers are highly paid to an extent of getting salaries more than their head teachers, should I say that the government is telling art teachers aren’t required in their own country?,” he wondered.
Willy vowed to fight all these through demonstrating until government responds positively because also doctors did it and their salaries were increased. tried to communicate to CAO Sheema district Mr. Moses kanyarutookye about the matter but couldn’t reach him although he signed and stamped on the letter accepting Sheema district teachers to demonstrate.
Government schools are officially expected to open their second term on Monday 27th May 2019 for the academic year after closing first term on Friday 3rd May 2019. a greater western Uganda news website
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