By Micheal Atwakiire Bitunga
In Sheema—
The chairperson Electoral Commission Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi has called upon LC1 chairpersons in Sheema north constituency to desist from asking for bribes from candidates but rather condemn and sensitize the public against the vice.
The EC boss said this during the meeting with the LC1 chairpersons in Sheema North at district headquarters sensitizing them on the forthcoming by elections in their constituency on 8th October 2018.
Byabakama also urged the chairpersons not to ask for money from their electorates for stamps.
“I know people will come to you to stamp on their electoral transfer letters, don’t ask them money and if we land on you asking bribes, we shall arrest you,” Byabakama warned.
However, the chairpersons asked Byabakama and the electoral commission to give them allowances like how polling assistants and presiding officers are done.
But Byabakama trashed their appeal saying that “on voting day, you are not allowed to sit at the polling station even if it’s in your village. Therefore vote as a resident and go back home”
Byabakama emphasized on the ban of processions that are usually done by candidates especially late evening after their campaign venues.
“All candidates are ordered even not to wave to people whom they find gathered on the roads, trading centres or at bars when it’s beyond 6 pm. And even those convoys you make after campaign time are banned. After 5pm, everybody should drive to his or her home on an usual speed, I advise you that if you have many vehicles escorting you, it should go one by one and if you break these rules, we shall keep you in prison for all days we wish “he warned
Electoral commissioner Hon Steven Tashobya asked the village chairpersons to immediately report to police or to electoral commission any forms of chaos during campaigns and on a voting day especially those who come from outside Sheema and start beating voters.
Source: a greater western Uganda news website
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