Famers in Kabarole district have expressed their worries over the already anticipated famine in the area.
Talking to a number of farmers yesterday, they revealed that weather and climatic changes have totally affected the area especially heavy rains over the harvesting seasons which they cited that has led to the loss of a number of crop harvests.
Mugisa Emmanuel a farmer from Rukogora village fort portal municipality in Kabarole district cites that early September this year he planted his Irish potatoes expecting his seedling to germinate but unfortunately due to unpredictable weather conditions, his seedlings failed to germinate as he expected.
Mugisa is now in worry that famine is going to hit his family and entire village citing that he planted 2 sucks of potatoes expecting to harvest more than 7 sacks of Irish potatoes but now his garden half of it is empty of because of poor weather changes.
Kamukama Evelyn from Kagote cell East division fort portal municipality in Kabarole district dealing in passion fruits also notes that she prepared her land late September this year to plant his seedling expecting them to germinate but unfortunately heavy rains destroyed them and is in worry on how is going to survive because her life income to support the family and pay school fees was generated from his project.
She further lamented that as lady she has tried to diversify from planting other produce but all in vain due unpredictable weather.
Sunday George stresses that due to unpredictable weather changes it has forced him to have uncalled for expenditure to buy chemicals to spray crops which he says if the situation persists famine is going to hit the area. He appealed to the government to give them a hand on some equipment like knapsack sprayer and chemicals to spray their crops.