As we start the year 2020 there is no doubt that more Ugandans now have access to clean safe water. This follows a period of aggressive expansion by National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) working with Government of Uganda and Ministry of Water and Environment.
Geographical coverage has expanded from 36 to 253 towns and urban growth centers in the last 5 years serving up to 10 million people. The Corporation has grown its surplus from Ugx 650bn in the last financial year to currently Ugx 3.1trillion
According to the Managing Director NWSC Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha, the real story is in the additional number of Ugandans who now have access to safe clean drinking water. “At NWSC we don’t think in terms of profit. We think in terms of surpluses available to us to extend services to unserved Ugandans. The surpluses that we make from operational efficiency and innovative management practices are ploughed back into network expansion to serve more Ugandans. So for us the surplus means we have increased our capacity to serve more Ugandans. We measure ourselves by how many more people we serve.â€
The Corporation’s strategic focus is to ensure water for all, through accelerated sustainable growth and service reliability. This is in line with the overarching Government Policy of universal coverage as enshrined in the Vision 2040, National Development Plan (NDP II), Government (NRM) Manifesto, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6).
Within the context of NWSC operations, the National Strategic Guidelines and Directives broadly entail the following:
1. Improve urban water supply and sewerage coverage to 100% and 30% respectively.
2. All cities, towns, trading centres and villages to get clean water.
3. Water and Sewerage Services for the Planned Industrial Parks.
4. Environmental Sustainability.
Over the past five years of service delivery, NWSC has implemented a number of government undertakings towards the achievement of the above commitments and directives. These include:
Improve urban water supply and sewerage coverage to 100% and 30% respectively.
NWSC implemented the following undertakings aligned to the Government strategic agenda:
Implementation of Capital Development Projects: The projects aim at expanding the water production capacities of the various water treatment plants to meet the water consumption needs of our customers, and improved sanitation thereby improving the quality of life in the various communities. Key among the projects implemented include;
Kampala Water Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project (LVWATSAN): The project broadly entails four major components including:
• Refurbishment of Gaba 1&2 water treatment plants, laying 9.6 Km Gaba/Namasuba pipeline, and construction of a new 8,000m3 storage reservoir at Namasuba. (Package 1&3)
• Construction of a new Water Treatment Plant East of Kampala (Katosi) (4B)
• Construction of Katosi – Kampala Drinking Water Transmission main. (4B)
• Water network rehabilitation, extension and rezoning. (2B)
Package 1 & 3 also known as the Namasuba Project has been completed and was commissioned by H.E the President of Uganda in 2016. For Package 4B, the project site has been cleared and fenced, 58 Km of pipeline secured and handed over to the Contractor (8Km laid), and technical evaluations completed for Package 2B.
a) Kampala Sanitation Project (KSP): The Project involves the following milestones:
• Construction of Nakivubo Waste Water Treatment Plant at Bugolobi
• Nakivubo and Kinawataka Sewer project – laying of sewer mains and associated works including manholes and tie-in works.
• Kinawataka Pre-treatment and Pumping Station as well as Pumping Mains from Kinawataka Sewerage System to Nakivubo Sewerage System.
The project is near completion, overall project progress is estimated at 98%.
b) Water Management And Development Project (WMDP): The Project involves the following milestones:
• Arua Water Supply and Sanitation Project
• Gulu Water Supply and Sanitation Project
• Bushenyi Water Supply and Sanitation Project
In Arua and Bushenyi, the projects are complete and systems are operational. In Gulu, the Karuma Intake civil works and rehabilitation of the water treatment plant are ongoing, and rehabilitation of the sewerage ponds is 80% complete.
d) Package Sewage Treatment Plants for Fort Portal & Kisoro: The project aimed at addressing wastewater disposal challenges in the towns of Kisoro and Fort Portal. Kisoro plant was completed. Fort Portal civil works at 65% progress.
e) Soroti Intake at Awoja: The project involved construction of a new intake to replace the old one that was washed away during the October-November Teso floods of 2010. The project was Completed and commissioned in August 2017.
f) New Water Treatment Plant in Kapchorwa: The project involves construction of a new Water Treatment Plant (Capacity – 3000m3/day) and 4Km DN 200mm Delivery main. Pipe laying works are substantially complete and the construction works at the Water Treatment are advanced.
g) Masindi Water Production Improvement Project: The project entailed construction of additional water treatment units to boost water production from 1,700 m3 to 3,700 m3. The project was completed and commissioned.
h) Kapeeka Water Supply Project: The involved construction of a 4,000m3 water intake plant, 4,000m3 water treatment plant, 600m3 reservoir and accompanying measures. The projects was completed.
Other Projects in the Pipeline include:
• Integrated Water Management Development Project Mbale and Adjumani.
• South Western Cluster Water and Sanitation Project – Mbarara – Isingiro Project and Lukaya-Masaka.
• Upgrade of Kapeeka Water Supply system and construction of Sewerage System for the Industrial Park.
• Wakiso West Water and Sanitation Project to in the south and west of greater Kampala.
• Water Supply and Sanitation Project; Kotido & Kaboong.
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Toll free lines: 0800200977 / 0800300977
Plot 3, Nakasero Road, P.O Box 7053, Kampala
t: @nwscug f: waterug