By Elly Katahinga
in Ntungamo—-
A huge number of mourners yesterday 21.03.2017 thronged Nyarurambi Nyamugoye in Kibatsi sub county Kajara County Ntungamo District to celebrate the life of late Keijumeeza Yudes the oldest person who has ever lived in the area who died at 121 years old.
While comforting the family, the Dean St Mathew’s Cathedral Kyamate, Rev.Can Joash Tushangomujuni reminded all mourners that earthly life is temporally but there is a permanent building which is not build with hands in Heaven.
Rev. Can. Tushangomujuni asked people to understand and accept Jesus Christ to live everlasting life and die very well like late Keijumeeza who still read Bible without any aid.
He told them that late Keijumeeza loved God and served His people saying that she fought a good fight and she is waiting for the crown in the Heaven.
The one of the eldest son Fredrick Rwabukwitsi Rwabukuru aged 80 years told the mourners that her late dear mother was humble, honest and a friend to all.
Rwabukwitsi praise late Keijumeeza for mentoring and caring for him during his child hood after his mother divorced.
The Ntungamo District deputy Speaker Dinnah Nabaasa Nuwabiine told children to always nurse their ageing parents on order to get blessings for them.
Nabaasa castigated daughters in law who mistreat their mothers in law saying that they will also face it in return from the wives of their sons in future.
Late Keijumeeza Yudes born in 1896 succumbed to natural death left 6 children, 48 grand, 160 great grand, 35 great great grand children.