By Felix Twinomugisha
In Bushenyi
Most youths in Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality have resorted to playing Matatu cards as a way of breaking boredom during the Coronavirus Lockdown.
This has been confirmed by the field survey made by reporters who have been observing the situation since the Lockdown started in late March.
Most of the youths would be found converging playing cards even when approaching 7pm (curfew time).
Our reporters visited areas of Kizinda, Bushenyi town, Ibaare,Ishaka Kakanju, Kigoma, Omukatafari, Omukihogo, Butare and Nyakabirizi where they found many people spending their days playing cards due to lack of what to do.
In Ishaka town, security officers at several companies, mobile money attendants and boda-boda riders were found playing cards by our reporter even during day.
They said playing matatu cards is the only way they can keep themselves busy since there are no customers in town now.
Uganda is still under the lockdown until 4th June 2020.
However, this is risky to people’s lives since there is no social distance observed and can lead them to contracting the deadly Coronavirus.
The game brings many people together who can’t even wash their hands while playing and keep touching even at dirty objects are places.
Parents who talked to our reporter cried over the activity saying it’s exposing their school children to deadly crimes like drug abuse, theft plus other related behaviors.
Uganda’s coronavirus cases still stand at 260, with recoveries still at 63 but this excludes results tested on Tuesday. These cases excluded the Tuesday’s results which were to be announced later today.
Globally, coronavirus cases are nearing 5 million. As of May 20, there were 4,964,092 confirmed cases with 323,493 deaths and 1,948,407 recoveries. a greater western Uganda news website
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