QN: Tell us briefly who you are?
Answer: Martin Rushegyera was born in 1980 from Rwenjeru parish, Nyakabirizi Division, Bushenyi-Ishaka municipality to Eliezari Rushegyera and kyorayende Jane. I attended Bweranyangi Boarding Primary School, joined Pioneer high school for O’level, Ruyonza School and St John’s Sec School for A ‘level. I graduated from St. Augustine university of Tanzania with a diploma in Information Technology
QN: are you married?
Answer: yah! Am maried with two children. My 1st born is in s.2and the 2nd born in P.7, and they both study from Kampala. My wife is abroad
QN: What do you do now and where do you stay?
Answer: currently I work as a country manager with a company called wave dealing with money transfers all over the world. Its head quarter is in USA. I stay in my home village and sometimes in Kampala
QN: why are you joining politics?
Answer: I just want to consolidate what our fathers and brothers Fought for.
QN: who are those?
Answer: one is my father E. Rushegyera who strongly supported NRA rite from the beginning in 1980 up to his death in 2006. his Excellency gave him a meddle as an appreciation for his struggle to liberate this country.He had recruited so many fighters from Bushenyi and other parts of the country even some of them are now Generals in UPDF.
QN: which of the Ugandan political parties do you belong to?
Answer: As I mentioned earlier its automatic that I belong to NRM.
QN: why do you want to stand on a mayoral seat not any other post?
Answer: I want to serve my people who are nearer to me other than going to Kampala
QN: Your last word to the readers
Answer: I urge people of Bushenyi Ishaka municipality to support and elect leaders who are still young with fresh ideas to develop our municipality.I wish you well
www.mknewslink.com a greater western Uganda news website
Email: wmuhwezi75@gmail.com
Tel: +256702680106