In Bushenyi—
Bushenyi district council held its first council meeting ever since the new councilors were sworn in May this year under strict observance of SOPs.
The ordinary council meeting that was chaired by speaker Douglas Nuwamanya sat at the district multipurpose hall.
In his address, he welcomed the councilors unto the district and urged them to serve to the interest of people who voted them unto office.
In the council meeting there was formation of committees that councilors will sit unto as well as election of committee chairperson that will be in charge of scrutinizing and supervision of the sectors they have been told to lead.

Baker Owomugisha
Denis Nayebare Kanyankole from Ruhumuro is the new committee chairperson in charge of Works, Roads, and water whereas David Kakama from Bumbaire will head Education, Health and social services.
Baker Owomugisha from Kyamuhunga Sub County heads Finance, planning and administration whereas Grace September female lady councilor from Ruhumuro is the committee chairperson in charge of Production, marketing and natural resources.
Jaffari Bassajjabala the district chairman in his speech to the council welcomed councilors in their first sitting in which he also said as the district executive committee they were asked by the office of the president to allocate land in which they will construct a building that will house office of the RDC as well as District internal security organizing.
He added that as the district they allowed the office of the president to demolish the dilapidated building which currently houses the office of the RDC and construct a new one.
But this raised eyebrows among councilors as the president’s office wants to own the land tittle in which they will construct the building on.
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