By Byamukama Libino
The Ndorwa East County Member of Parliament Hon Wilfred Niwagaba has expressed concern over the rate at which newly wedded couples are applying for a divorce.
Hon Niwagaba was yesterday speaking as the guest of honor during the thanksgiving mass for the former Chairperson Parish council of Rushoroza catholic parish Micheal Ndemere and his wife Janefrancis Bashabomwe Ndemere who were celebrating 50 years of marriage, in their home in Muyumbu parish, Kyanamira Sub- County Kabale district.
He said that as a private lawyer he has interfaced with couples between two to eight years in marriage applying for divorce before court over disagreements with their spouses,
He asked religious leaders to continue educating people about how couples can manage families.
He further commended Ndemere for educating his children encouraging other people to prioritize educating their children, especially in technical courses.
Preaching during the Mass, the Assistant Parish Priest for Nyarushanje Catholic parish in Rukungiri district Rev Fr Alfred Byarugaba who was the main celebrant asked the married couples to always be mindful of the marriage vows they made, rather than divorcing over small issues.
Fr Byarugaba said that most of the time married couples forget the vows they made and forget where the relationship began when they were young.
He said that couples should always look for possible solutions instead of breaking up the marriage because marriage is a gift from God.