By Sylvia Kugonza
In Tooro
His royal majesty King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi the IV has asked parents in Tooro region to encourage their children to embrace science studies.
Speaking during his three days tour in schools as one of the activities towards his 24th coronation anniversary slated for 12th September 2019, King Oyo said that Tooro region still needs students with science studies to cub unemployment among the youths.
He added that if students in schools embrace sciences, it will help to get good nurses, engineers and doctors in future.
King Oyo further urged students to put more efforts in studying if they are to have a better future.
The king has moved in schools like FINS medical university, St.Peters and Paul Primary School Virika, Buhiinga Primary school and Kyebambe Secondary School which ended today.
Victor Busingye the director Fins University has expressed concern over lack of experienced and senior Doctors in the country citing at the only orthopedic doctor in the region who only comes once in Kabarole district to work on patients
He thus noted that if there was a hand by the kingdom and the people of Toro to educate their children and build a big hospital, there would be better health services in Tooro region.
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