By Allan Mugabe
In Mbarara
The State Minister for Agriculture, Christopher Kibanzanga has implored Church leaders to encourage Christians to work hard in a bid to fight poverty.
Hon Kibanzanga who was the guest of honour at the thanks-giving church service at Day-star cathedral Mbarara said churches should not keep Christians in poverty but rather help them to earn a living.
The minister’s advice comes at a time when President Museveni is currently traversing the country addressing gatherings in a drive he says is meant to fight poverty.
Kibanzanga is optimistic that if the church joins the campaign on wealth creation, Uganda will be one of the richest countries in Africa.
On Sunday 2nd june2019 was a beehive of activities and celebrations as Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba held a thanks-giving ceremony in appreciation to God for the gift of life after he survived a nasty accident early this year, and having returned safe from America with his family.
Bishop Nathan further urged Christians that as they celebrate Uganda Martyrs day, they should do good things that people will keep remembering when arrive or dead.
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