By www.mknewslink.com Reporter
In Kabale—
Leaders of Kabale municipality have voted against the proposed scrapping of the presidential age limit.
In September this year, the Igara West MP, Raphael Magezi, tabled the Constitution (Amendment) (No.2) Bill, 2017 on the floor of parliament.
The bill is before the Legal and Parliamentary affairs committee for scrutiny, seeks to delete article 102 (b) of the constitution, which caps the president’s age at 75.
Out of the 94 leaders that attended the meeting, 88 voted against the amendment of the constitution, 9 voted in favor of the amendment, while two abstained.
The leaders voted during a consultative meeting that was organized by the Kabale Municipality Member of Parliament;Hon. Andrew Ajja Baryayanga, at Green Hills Hotel in Kabale Municipality yesterday afternoon.
The meeting attracted the Kabale Municipality Mayor, Emmanuel Sentaro Byamugisha, all the division LC3 Chairpersons, both LC4 and LC3 councilors and opinion leaders.
The Kijuguta ward municipal councilor, Badru Biryomumeisho, said that the national constitution does not belong to any party, adding that the NRM should not use their numerical advantage in parliament to amend the article, since most Ugandans are against the proposed amendment.
The Upper Bugongi municipal Councilor, Alex Nzabarinda, said that article that 102 (b) should not be amended as most of the past leaders in Uganda have all died in exile because they failed to handover peacefully.
Hon. Andrew Aja Baryayanga, said that article 102b is the only remaining pillar in the constitution for Ugandans to witness a smooth handover of power.
He added that although President Yoweri Museveni, has done a lot for Uganda, he ought to peacefully hand over power, since Ugandans have never witnessed a smooth transition of power, since Independence.
Source: www.mknewslink.com a western Uganda news website.
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