By Yosam Gucwaki
In Masindi—
Caroline Ampire, a ten year old girl who went missing in November 2016 as she was returning home from school has been recovered after almost two years.
Ampire; a daughter to Christine Nakalema Nassaka; a resident of Rufura village in Kiboga town, Kiboga district was allegedly kidnapped by a man as she was returning from Delta Nursery and Primary School. By then, she was eight years.
Ampire who was found in Kichandi Village, Rukondwa parish in Masindi district on Monday at the home of one Yoronimu Baganda says she was taken to Masindi by a strange man who had offered her a lift from school.
It is alleged that the man identified as Denis Atugonza, kidnapped Ampaire and another child Rebecca Mbabazi and took them to his
mother’s home.
According to the children, Atugonza threatened to kill them, if they revealed to anyone that he was not their biological father.
However, the girls have got a chance to narrate their ordeal after Atugonza’s death.
Atugonza was allegedly lynched by angry residents of Masindi on accusations of theft.
Following Atugonza’s death, his relatives convened a meeting to discuss how to look after the two girls. During the meeting, his father Yoronimu Baganda rejected the children saying his son had no biological children.
The issue caused tension among family members which forced Baganda to seek police intervention.
On interrogation, the children told police in the meeting that they were kidnapped by Atugonza in November 2016.
Ampaire has now been reunited with her family though police is still searching for Rebecca Mbabazi’s family.
Felix Fred Nyakatuura Ampire’s uncle wants police to investigate whether Atugonza is dead as claimed and the motive behind his act.
Before his death, Atugonza had enrolled the children at Kina primary school.
According to the police spokes person Albertine region; Allan Hakiza, the two kids were kidnapped in 2016 while they were returning from school.
He said that they were two kids noting that one returned to the parents after identification adding that the other is still with the grand parents.
Hakiza called upon the parents to always escort their children to school and pick them if they are to avoid such incidents.
Source:; a western Uganda news website.
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