By Byamukama Libino.
Residents of Nyakabande subcounty together with lc5 Chairperson Kisoro district Abel Bizimana have challenged the government and other concerned organizations to compensate communities that have negatively been affected by refugees.
This was revealed on 12th/September in Gakoro village, Nyakabande subcounty where Abel Bizimana was meeting people of Gakoro village.
Abel Bizimana noted that since the refugees started coming to Uganda in April, Residents have been hit by famine because the small portion of food in house holds have been shared among the refugees.He also says that these refugees keeping on going in neighbouring communities to beg for food.
He adds that they visit locals gardens and start uprooting them.He appealed the prime minister to again come in kosoro for the issues of refugees as she did it to people of Mbale district.
Abel Bizimana also tasked the government to provide relief to the subcounties that were affected by refugees influx.
Florence Nkuranga, lc5 woman councilor Nyakabande subcounty noted that since 1994, the refugees have been seeking asylum in Nyakabade. She says that according to the workshops she has been attending,the hosting communities of refugees get some social services as a compensation.
She promised that she will continue pushing that proposal in the council meetings.
Other residents of Nyakabande subcounty raised their concerns saying that refugees have increased in the community and they enter people’s homes to steal their property. They say that it’s difficult for one in Nyakabade to harvest ready crops as refugees steal them when they are not yet ready.