By Yosam Gucwaki
in Masindi
Masindi Youth Association (MAYA) is in final stages of suing the MP for Bujenje county Hon. Kasumba Patrick and the DPC Masindi Bosco Bakashaba for allegedly confiscating the Association tractor illegally.
The association is accusing Kasumba and Bakashaba of illegally confiscating and detaining a tractor reg. UAM 024 Z belonging to group.
The alleged tractor was confisicted in August 2016 from Katumba Village Pakanyi Sub County.
Through their lawyer of Tugume –Byensi and company advocate, MAYA had given the dual seven days to pay them a total of 66 million shillings being a loss the association has incurred since the illegal confiscation of the tractor last year.
According to the letter of intention to sue seen by our reporter dated 8th February 2017, the lawyers are also seeking 6.6 million shillings being their professional fees so far incurred bringing the total amount demanded from the dual to 72.6 million shillings.
The association general secretary Moses Kirya told our reporter that in a board meeting the association agreed to take Hon. Kasumba and DPC Bakashaba to courts of law for illegally impounding their tractor.
Sound byte Kirya
Kirya confirms that the association has lost a total of 66 million shillings since August last layer adding that the longer they stay with the tractor the more the money will accumulate.
Sound byte Kirya
The district police commander Masindi Bosco Bakashaba said he was working on the issue raised by a complainant adding he was working for the state.
Sound byte Bakashaba
When contacted the MP Bujenje county Patrick Kasumba confirmed much as he had not received the demand note he had heard about adding that Kirya has delayed.
Sound byte Kasumba
Kasumba described Kirya as a joker saying that Kirya should not expect any money from them but he should expect imprisonment for miss managing the youth tractor. Sound byte Kasumba.
Kirya has said that since they have failed to respond him and his lawyers are going to take the next step