By Aggrey Twesigye
in mbabara—-
Aspirants eyeing Parliamentary seats in Mbarara District have started early campaigns ahead of nominations next year.
According to Electoral Commission Road map, Parliamentary candidates nominations shall be held on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of September 2025.
Polling shall be held on a date between Monday 12th January and Monday 9th February 2026 in line with Article 62(2) of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
However, eighteen months to the nomination,races for Parliamentary seats in Mbarara are getting hotter as aspirants launch several activities to woo voters.
Overseeing the District’s belated international women’s day at Mirongo primary school in Kashare sub county over the weekend,the state minister for public service,Grace Mary Mugasa acknowledged that people are doing early electioneering which is distorting the District’s development.
“If a leader is given five years to serve,let them serve ,if they declare the electioneering process then people can contest ,but at the moment you see people excited and when you get too excited you spoil the entire development because you demoralize the current leader ,I beg and I appeal to you people to make sure you respect the electioneering program,if they declare in 2025 you can be able to come and contest then begin campaigns ,but at the moment let the leaders work”minister Mugasa explained.
The Minister’s remarks come at the peak of the pre-elections fever generated by both incumbent politicians and those seeking to unseat them.
The grass root canvassing has intensified in the district with MP’s deserting Parliament and civil servants enduring a balancing act ahead of the electoral commission whistle.
The most contested for seat in Mbarara district is the woman member of Parliament seat which is currently occupied by MP Magrete Ayebaare Rwebyambu of the National Resistance Movement (NRM).
So far Loydah Twinomujuni Kyarikunda Muhimbura the current lady councillor Rubaya sub county is engaged in several activities to woo supporters to vote for her in 2026.
Twinomujuni has sunk over 130 boreholes to address water scarcity in rural areas, facilitated rehabilitation of several community access roads among others.
In other areas, Patrick Musinguzi (Akooki) a renown businessman and Yaguma Wilberforce Rutashokwa the former member of Parliament Kashari county are also already campaigning for Kashari North constituency MP seat currently occupied by Bazil Bataringaya Rwakwene of the National Resistance Movement (NRM)
In Kashari south constituency, incumbent member of Parliament, Nathan Twesigye Itungo is being challenged by Capt.JB Tumusiime Bamuturaki whom he defeated in the 2021 general elections.
Didas Tabaro the chairman Mbarara district local government revealed that some prospective aspirants have already started spending money on printing posters and other promotional items before nominations.
Magrete Ayebaare Rwebyambu the woman MP Mbarara District,mentioned that engaging in early election campaigning has significantly hindered their ability to fulfill their legislative duties effectively. They find it challenging to advocate for services for their constituents, especially when their opponents are undermining their efforts.