By Aggrey Twesigye
in Mbarara
Victor Twinomugisha,the youth chairperson for Kashari South Emyooga Sacco in Mbarara district has been arrested for allegedly swindling shs.30 million belonging to the Sacco.
He was arrested yesterday Tuesday on the directives of RDC Emmy Katera Turyabagyenyi.It came after the sacco members informed the RDC that he withdrew shs.30 million from the association’s account in 2022.
It’s alleged that Twinomugisha took the money which he has failed to pay back.Its from this background that RDC Katera ordered the immediate arrest and detention and was immediately whisked to Bwizibwera central police station where he spent the night.
Mbarara district is a home 36 Savings and credit cooperative societies.Eighteen of the Sacco’s are from Kashari South constituency and the rest are from Kashari North constituency.
The groups collectively shared shs.1.12 billion that the government disbursed to 36 Emyooga Sacco’s in the district,about Shs.300million has so far been recovered.
According to RDC Katera , government will use all available avenues to ensure that Emyooga beneficiaries repay the money.
The presidential Initiative was rolled out in October 2020 to support among others, market vendors, welders, taxi drivers, carpenters, boda-boda riders, women, performing artists, and restaurant owners who come together in form of savings and credit cooperative societies. The aim was to boost strategies to transform 68 per cent of Ugandan homesteads from subsistence to market-oriented production
Under the initiative, the government set aside Shs 100 billion, with each constituency receiving Shs 560 million, to create job opportunities, increase access to specialized financial services in rural areas, particularly for women, youth, and persons with disabilities to improve the household income of the project beneficiaries and enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of different categories through sensitization, skilling and tooling.