The Rukiga County Member of Parliament Hon Hebert Kabafunzaki is on
the spot from a group of youth over fake labor export deal.
A group of about 92 youth mostly drivers accuse Kabafunzaki who is
also the suspended State Minister for Labor Employment and Industrial
Relations for collecting money from them promising to get them jobs in
Qatar and United Arab Emirates.
According to concerned youth, Kabafunzaki together with her political
agent in charge of Muhanga town council, Allen Kabasi Kirasha,
collected 620,000 shillings from each of them starting with November
2016 to promising to take them abroad for highly payable jobs.
The aim of the money was to process travel passports and medic al
documents. The money was paid in Equity bank Kabale branch on account
They claim although Kabafunzaki and Kyirasha promised that those who
have paid will fly in to Qatar and United Arab Emirates in February
this year, nothing has happened. Youth say that after paying,
Kabafunzaki and Kyirasha declined to communicate to them again.
They now want Kabafunzaki and Kyirasha to refund their money, if hopes
of flying to work from abroad aborted.
Douglas Asimire a resident of Rutobo in Kayonza Sub County, Ntugamo
District says he after hearing the news about the deal from Allen
Kabasi Kirasha, he paid the money on 12th January this year in Equity
bank Kabale branch expecting to fly to Dubai in United Arab Emirates
in February this year.
Asimire says that after paying the money,Kyirasha told him to handover
the bank slip to her so that it is kept in a file for its safety as he
waits for Kabafunzaki to organize for the day to fly abroad.
However since then, Asimire who was going to work as a driver says he
is now stuck since both Kabafunzaki and Kyirasha have failed to reveal
an update bout the deal. Asimire want top government officials to
intervene and investigate the matter.
Sulait Tuhame also a driver and a resident of Nyabubaare cell,
Rwenyangye Parish,Kamwezi Sub county, Kabale District explains that
he heard about the deal by honorable Kabafunzaki running as
announcements on radio stations in kabale town in January this year.
On inquiring at Kabafunzaki’s office in Muhanga town council, he was
advised by Kirasha, the legislator’s political agent to pay six
hundred twenty thousand shillings via Equity bank Kabale branch in
order to help in processing a passport and medical report.
Tuhame says that after paying the money, he was promised by Kyirasha
that he will receive a call when time to fly to Qatar for a fatty job
in January this year.
Although Tuhame was told to always call honorable Kabafunzaki only at
night in case he wants any update about the deal, he says his phone
has never gone through. Tuhame want Kabafunzaki to refund the money
since he decided to keep quiet about the deal. He regrets selling his
piece of land to raise the money to help him process the deal for a
fatty job abroad.
Jackie Kembabazi another youth from Muhanga town council says she
paid the same amount in November 2016 after she was promised to be
taken in December same year. Kembabazi says although she was seduced
to pay the money, she was never briefed on the kind of job she is to
be given and the company taking them.
She was also told to handover a pay slip to Kirasha for safety
purposes. Kambabazi also want Kabafunzaki and Kyirasha to refund the
money because she has already lost hope in the deal.Kembabazi says
that they will stage a hunger strike at Kabafunzaki’s main office in
Muhanga town council in case their money is not refunded.
Ronald Twinamatsiko a resident of Kafuka in Muhanga town council says
he paid all the money on 15th January this year after selling his
piece of land from part of his share. Twinamatsiko says that he waited
for the deal to mature in vain. Twinamatisko threatens to threaten to
take law into his hands in case his money is not refunded.
Kabasi Kirasha, Kabafunzaki’s political agent in charge of Muhanga
town council, declined to comment on the matter.
However, Kabafunzaki told news website on phone with contradicting
statements accusing the concerned youth for aiming at tarnishing his
political career. Kabafunzaki however says that those aggrieved can go
back to Kiransha and be refunded the money since they are impatient
about the deal.
Kabafunzaki later contradicted his earlier statement claiming to be
not aware of the deal wondering why they are complaining yet they have
no bank slips to back their claim. He also advised them to lodge an
official complaint to police for investigations.