“Political Solutions, NOT, Military, ICC and Tribunals, will end world refugee crisis, illegal Immigrants, and Endless wars to create peace, security and Human rights for all.
It maybe strange for an individual in his or her own capacity to raise such concerns to an organization like UN, however, the UN Universal Declaration of human rights, Article I states;“All human beings are born free and equally in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in spirit of brother hoods”.
I therefore base my writing on this article.
I have witnessed, red, heard in electronic media, unjust practices, torture and degrading human treatment against others especially those in Anthony which all contravene UN Universal declaration of human rights as the world watches and spectators in silence as people suffer or die one by one.
The Purpose
If the 2 main GOALS of UN are PEACE & HUMAN DIGNITY, then there is a need to review the greatest stumbling block that hinders World people from realizing UN Goals.
UN Article 2 clause 7 states, “Nothing contained in the present charter shall authorize the UN to intervene in the matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the state or shall require the members to submit such matters to submit such matters to settlement under the present charter, but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter II.
The 72 years old UN Charter Article 2 clause 7 is very old. It was instituted at the inception of UN in 1945 when many current members were marry current members were under colonial rule.
It therefore protected colonialists in their colonies and the article did not predict the post independence situation.
It has been capitalized on by greedy and self seeking leaders especially in Africa who cling on to power for decades and brutally suppress their opponents using state agencies like the Army police, Judicially and others. Contrary to Universal declaration of human rights articles 3,5,9,12 and 20.
This is clearly seen in the 31 years of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda, Joseph Kabira,Nkurunziza of Burundi Kagame of Rwanda, Mugabe of Zibambwe, Jammy of Gambia and many more others in Africa and World over.
Article 2 clause 7 needs to be reviewed or parallel resolutions be passed to create equality, Liberty, Fraternity, Freedom and minimize torture to operationalize Articles; 1,3,5,9,12 and 20 of Universal declaration of Human rights.
The Article has outlived its for relevance as its more of colonial frame not matching current events in the nations.
Effects of the current UN charter, article 2 clause 7
- Self seeking leaders in especially Africa organize fraudulent elections as a cover of clinging on to power and the effects are heart breaking wars and later refugees. Look at Gambia’s Yahaya Jammy examples of crack down on opposition in 2016, (BBC focus on Africa 2/11/2016 at 6:10pm E.S.T or 3:10 (GMT). The 22 years of Jammy with the disappearance of people and the same in Syria, without any question (Aljazira 7/11/2016.
- For leaders clinging on to power has resulted into endless wars and their consequences. Look at Somalia Said Barre 22 years up to 1991- Somalia has remained unstable up to 2017.
Mobutu 31 years in DRC (Zaire) Mubaraka’s 32 years in Egypt 42 years of Gaddafi in Libya, Bashel of Syria and the list is endless. These wars have created a crisis of refugees.
- World refugees. Millions 6.6M people June 2017) of the World people suffer as refugees because of article 2 clause 7 since UN does not directly involve in domestic matters of the nations. UN only comes in to help refugees not the cause
- Illegal Immigrates especially millions who perish in Mediterranean see escaping bad condition in their countries as a result of bad leadership.
- Tension between World powers USA and Russia over Syria. Because the leadership has over stayed and UN has no authority by Article 2, clause 7. World powers fight proxy wars.
- Disagreements among European Union countries. Some refusing to accept immigrants.
- Humiliating election defeat by European leaders like in hormone local council elections when Angella Markle took responsibility for her party’s loss in local elections following her policy on immigrants.
- Reduced World development money for health, education and other developments is used to cater for refuges whose cause of existence could have been settled politically with a review of article 2, clause 7 of UN charter.
Solve the cause for existence of refugees not helping refuges to service.
- UN waits long before action it takes a long time for UN to recognize a problem, to declare it a World Peace disorder (Insecurity) like the Genocide of Rwanda 1994.
UN only comes with solution after a big problem like UN tribunal for Genocide in Rwanda which was stationed in Arusha.
Deeper investigations for the cause of that Genocide were not instituted for appropriate future occupancy mitigation.
- Individuals or a few people are not given attention. They have no rights or voice to UN.
There would be voices are their tormentors. Some people are killed on the hands of political leadership term policy that would limit leaders clinging to power.
Review Roman statute to strengthen ICC to reduce impurity of errant leaders.