By Edson Kinene
in Rukungiri—-
Police in Rukungiri is holding Mugabe Silverino and hunting for Baguma
Henry residents of Rugando, karerena cell, Nyabitete parish, Bugangari
Sub County on allegations of murdering their in-law Mr. Mugarura Edson
of the same area. Also in custody is Tukamushaba Patience wife to the
Twinamastiko Julius the officer in charge of criminal investigations
and intelligence at Rukungiri police station said the suspects are believed
to have killed Mugarura on 1st December 2016.
He says Mugarura went to his in laws home to bring back his wife
Tukashaba Patience who he had separated with weeks before his death.
“The two patience Tukamushaba and Mugarura Edson have five children
they have been living together for the last six years, but, they had a
domestic quarrel and the wife decided to go home leaving behind the
five children, so when Mugarura went to bring her back, it is said
they fought in the trading center and brothers of Tukamushaba
intervened beating Mugarura to death” said Julius.
Julius says that the murder was due to domestic violence caused by
alcoholism in their family.
“in her statement Tukamushabe says the husband was found of drinking
too much and beating her, she decided to separate, he came to bring
back home he was drank and he abused the in-laws who beat him up
unfortunately he died”.
Julius says the case file number CRB2545/51/2016 has been opened and
forwarded to the directorate of public prosecution for guidance ans
murder charges have been preferred against the suspects.