By www.mknewslink.com reporter
In Kampala–
The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has directed broadcast outlets to stop live coverage the controversial Age Limit removal bill following yesterday and last week live broadcasts of parliamentary debate over the same bill.
The motion seeks to delete Article 102 (b) that limits the age of presidential candidates from the Constitution, and all related protests of Ugandans opposed to the idea.
In a letter dated September 26th 2017 seen by www.mknewslink.com the UCC Excutive Director; Godfrey Mutabazi directs all broadcasters in Uganda to immediately stop the live broadcasts of such events on television and radio stations arguing that they “incite the public, discriminate, stirr up hatred, promote a culture of violence amongst the viewers and are likely to create public insecurity or violence.
In the Mutabazi says: “The Commission hereby directs all broadcasters to immediately stop and refrain from broadcasting live feeds which are in breach of the minimum broadcasting standards and the best practice guidelines for electronic media coverage/ reporting and broadcasting of live events.”
He said the Commission would not hesitate to carry out enforcement for non-compliance with these guidelines and any further breach will result in suspension and revocation of your license in accordance with Section 41 of the Uganda Communications Act 2013.