By Aggrey Twesigye
In Isingiro—
Leaders in Isingiro have moved to have their district divided into two more districts.
During a meeting that was convened at Rugaaga Town Council Headquarters in Bukanga constituency last week on Thursday , Members of Parliament from Bukanga south , Isingiro South and Isingiro District woman member of Parliament ,LC III chairpersons ,the Clergy wholesomely agreed to carryout consultation meetings with their residents to have their constituencies as districts of their own.
Steven Kangwangye the area Member of Parliament Bukanga south addressing the meeting noted that just like how Isingiro District was curved out of Mbarara district, Bukanga should also get its own District as way of getting enough funding from the central government which will Foster development of the area.
“Let’s imagine Isingiro was not curved out of Mbarara, would its residents get services?” Kangwangye wondered.
During his submission the Chairman LC V Isingiro District Aaron Turahi stated that Isingiro District is one of the largest districts in Western Uganda and the same district has fewer machines to work on the roads.
He said that Bukanga has enough population that would call for its own district.
Claire Mugumya the woman Member of Parliament Isingiro District addressing the same meeting noted that Bukanga constituency which has 11 Sub counties qualifies to have its own district.
Alex Byarugaaba Bakunda the legislator Isingiro South joined his fellow Members of Parliament and vowed to carry out consultation meetings with residents in his constituency to have their own district called Isingiro South.
Isingiro District has a total population of 610.000 with 30 Sub counties and two refugee camps. a greater western Uganda news website
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