By Moses Andama
In Bunyoro—-
Subjects of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom from Masindi district have spoken about the current leadership impasse in the Kingdom.
This came after Eng. Fred Rucunya Mugenyi, the Chief Prince (Okwiri) of the Kingdom, announced an interim Kingdom cabinet led by Dr. Kyamanywa Kasirivu Atwooki as the new interim Prime Minister replacing Andrew Kirungi Byakutaga.
This decision came after an emergency meeting held by the Babiito clan, which issued a one-week ultimatum for Byakutaga to vacate his office, alleging that his tenure was illegal.
The Babiito clan was dissatisfied with the Royal Commission’s decision in July to extend Byakutaga’s term by one year.
However, Byakutaga has vowed not to vacate his office, claiming that the new interim cabinet appointed by the Babiito clan is illegal.
Byakutaga asserts that only the Omukama, Dr. Solomon Gafubusa Rukirabasaija Agutamba Iguru I, has the power to appoint or dismiss kingdom officials.
Phenehas Kyotosaborwa, one of the kingdom’s subjects is worried that if not amicably and quickly resolved, the impasse is likely to hamper development in the kingdom.
Kyotasobora appeals to the kingdom’s royal commission to intervene and resolve the impasse as quickly as possible.
On his side, Fredrick Banage Bitamale, another kingdom’s subject, advises Byakutaga to step aside for the good of the kingdom saying that serving the kingdom is not a permanent job. He also advises Byakutaga and his cabinet to give a chance to the other subjects to also serve their kingdom.
This is not the first time Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom is experiencing a conflict resulting from changing the prime minister.
In 2018, the then prime minister Norman Lukumu dragged the kingdom to court after being replaced by Andrew Byakutaga.
Byakutaga says he is consulting with his legal team to determine the appropriate response to the new interim cabinet, which he argues was established unlawfully.